
Blog about software engineering, web development, agile/lean/Continuous Delivery, C#, ASP.NET and Microsoft Azure.

Rob is the Chief Technology Officer of MakerX where he is building out a vision 6 years in the making, including the principles, culture, people, approaches, intellectual property and successful deliveries that form the basis of an amazing company. #makersmake

He is an Open Source Software contributor via his personal GitHub as well as TestStack and MRCollective.

He lives in Perth, Australia and has a BEng (Hons 1) (CompSysEng) and BSc (CompSc). You can find him on Twitter and GitHub as @robdmoore.

Robert is interested in agile methodologies, lean, continuous delivery, software engineering, web development, aircraft and floorball.

All source code on this blog and Robert’s Gists are Public Domain unless otherwise stated.

Posts - Page 4 of 22

Creating a SharePoint-style user lookup control backed by Azure AD

  • 6 min read

This post describes how to create a SharePoint-style user lookup control backed by Azure AD.

Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series

This post is part of the Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series.

SharePoint-style user lookup

If you have used SharePoint then you will likely be familiar with a user lookup control that allows you to type in someone’s name, press ctrl+k (or click on the Check Names button) and it will find the people from Active Directory and complete them for you.

This screenshot shows an example of what I’m describing:

SharePoint user lookup control

If you are using Azure AD for authentication of your application then the Graph API that it provides allows you to create a similar control.

This post provides instructions for a way to get this kind of control working. It’s based on a commit to the example repository and you can see it in action on the example website (note: the username and password to log in from the example repository homepage).

Querying the graph API

In a previous post I introduced the AzureADGraphConnection class to wrap up calls to the Azure AD Graph API. For the purposes of adding a user lookup there are two methods that are useful to add:

        public IList<User> SearchUsers(string query)
            var displayNameFilter = ExpressionHelper.CreateStartsWithExpression(typeof(User), GraphProperty.DisplayName, query);
            var surnameFilter = ExpressionHelper.CreateStartsWithExpression(typeof(User), GraphProperty.Surname, query);
            var usersByDisplayName = _graphConnection
                .List<User>(null, new FilterGenerator { QueryFilter = displayNameFilter })
            var usersBySurname = _graphConnection
                .List<User>(null, new FilterGenerator { QueryFilter = surnameFilter })
            return usersByDisplayName.Union(usersBySurname, new UserComparer()).ToArray();
        public User GetUser(Guid id)
                return _graphConnection.Get<User>(id.ToString());
            catch (ObjectNotFoundException)
                return null;
        class UserComparer : IEqualityComparer<User>
            public bool Equals(User x, User y)
                return x.ObjectId == y.ObjectId;
            public int GetHashCode(User obj)
                return obj.ObjectId.GetHashCode();
  • The SearchUsers method searches the DisplayName and Surname properties to see if they start with the given search string
    • The search is case insensitive
    • The API didn’t seem to support an OR expression so I had to issue 2 API calls and union them together using a comparison class to remove duplicates
    • It returns a list of User objects, which leaks the internal implementation detail, you could construct a Read Model class that only contains the properties you are interested if you like, but that’s let as an exercise for the reader
  • The GetUser method allows you to pass in the ObjectId of a specific user to get back the corresponding User object
    • This is useful for post-back when you have used the user lookup control to get the ObjectId of a user

For this to work you need to ensure your Azure AD application has the permissions to read data from the directory as discussed in the last post.

Creating the user control semantics

The way the SharePoint control works is to automatically select the user if there is only one that is returned from the given search term, it highlights the search as incorrect when nobody is found for the search term, it presents a drop down list if multiple people are returned and it removes the complete person if a “resolved” name is backspaced.

In order to try and model these semantics as closely and simply as I could I created a jQuery plugin in the example repository called userlookup.

I wanted to make it useful by default so it contains a bunch of default options to get you up and running quickly, but also allows you to completely customise it’s behaviour.

The configuration options include:

  • Whether or not to show a lookup button on the right of the control and what the HTML for it should be (true by default with HTML for appending an icon in a Bootstrap 3 application)
  • What keypress(es) should prompt the lookup to occur (by default ctrl+k)
  • What classes should be given to the control in the event that a user is successfully found, no match could be found and it’s currently querying the server for users (matchfound, nomatchfound and loading by default)
  • Whether or not the id of the user should be populated into a hidden field on selection of a user and the name of the data property that contains the id of the field if so (true and data-user-lookup by default)
  • The URL of the API to call to query users (the API must accept a GET request with a query string of ?q=searchTerm and return a JSON list of users) (/api/userlookup by default)
  • The name of the property of the user’s name and id properties in the JSON returned by the API (DisplayName and ObjectId by default)
  • The options to pass to the Twitter Typeahead plugin, which is used for the drop-down selection of users (some sensible defaults by default)

One thing to note is that there is nothing specific in the plugin about Azure AD (apart from the default name and id property names, that can be overriden) so this plugin could be easily used for querying other user stores.

As mentioned above, the plugin uses Twitter Typeahead for auto-complete when multiple users are returned from the search.

In order to use the plugin you need to:

  1. Include Twitter Typeahead JavaScript in the page (note: requires you have jQuery referenced on the page)
  2. Include userlookup JavaScript in the page
  3. Include any required styling for Twitter Typeahead (e.g. for Bootstrap 3)
  4. Include any required styling for userlookup (e.g. what I have in the example repository)
  5. Create the HTML for the control on your page, e.g. using Bootstrap 3:
             <div class="form-group">
                 <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="UserName">User name</label>
                 <div class="col-md-6">
                     <input type="hidden" name="UserId" id="UserId" value="@Model.UserId"/>
                     <div class="input-group">
                         <input id="UserName" name="UserName" type="text" placeholder="Enter user's name and hit ctrl+k" class="form-control" required autofocus value="@Model.UserName" data-user-lookup="UserId">
  6. Invoke the userlookup plugin, e.g.:
     <script type="text/javascript">
         // Or you might want to configure some options, e.g. in this case the API url from a Razor MVC view
         $("[data-user-lookup]").userlookup({apiUrl: "@Url.Action("Search", "UserLookup")"});

This will mean that you can type a query into the UserName field, press ctrl+k or click the lookup button and then it will guide you through “resolving” the user and when found set their id into the UserId field.

Creating the API

The API can be created using anything that can return JSON. The example project contains an ASP.NET MVC action as an example:

        public ActionResult Search(string q)
            var users = _graphConnection.SearchUsers(q);
            return Json(users, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Dealing with the input on the server-side

The example repository contains an example of resolving the selected user and then re-displaying it in the same view, a slightly more realistic example is shown below:

    public class UserLookupController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(new UserLookupViewModel());
        public ActionResult Index(UserLookupViewModel vm)
            vm.User = ModelState.IsValid ? _graphConnection.GetUser(vm.UserId.Value) : null;
            if (!ModelState.IsValid || vm.User == null)
                return View(vm);
            // Do stuff
    public class UserLookupViewModel
        private User _user;
        public Guid? UserId { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public User User
                return _user;
                _user = value;
                if (_user == null)
                    UserId = null;
                UserId = Guid.Parse(_user.ObjectId);
                UserName = _user.DisplayName;


This blog post illustrated some example code to create a SharePoint-like user lookup control. Of course, you could also just put in Twitter Typeahead and connect that to the user lookup API as well - that would perform more API calls though since it’s not triggered by an explicit user action to issue the lookup, but arguably it’s more discoverable for users.

Feel free to use the userlookup jQuery plugin in your projects, it’s released as part of the MIT license on the example project.

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Add role-based authorisation based on Azure AD group membership

  • 3 min read

This post describes how to use Azure AD groups for role-based authorisation in your ASP.NET web application.

Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series

This post is part of the Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series.

Add role-based authorisation based on Azure AD group membership

These instructions will help you easily add role-based authorisation based on Azure AD group membership to your existing ASP.NET application with Azure AD authentication.  The links show either a commit from the example project or to relevant documentation.

Note: Ignore the ...‘s and replace the {SPECIFIED_VALUES} with the correct values.

  1. Create groups in your Azure AD tenant
  2. Assign your users to relevant groups
  3. Configure your Azure AD application to have application permissions to read directory data from Azure Active Directory
    • If you get a “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.” exception then you might need to wait for a few minutes or an hour since it seems to cache the old permissions, or it may be the problem mentioned by Jeff Dunlop in the comments
  4. In the Configure tab of your Azure AD application create a key in the keys section and copy it
  5. Configure the client id of your Azure AD application and the key you created in the last step in your web.config file
         <add key="ida:ClientId" value="{AZURE_AD_APP_CLIENT_ID}" />
         <add key="ida:Password" value="{AZURE_AD_APP_KEY}" />
  6. Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient -Version 1.0.3 (alternatively, you can use the latest version if you follow the steps mentioned by Jeff Dunlop in the comments)
  7. Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
  8. Create an AzureADGraphConnection class:
     // Infrastructure\Auth\AzureADGraphConnection.cs
     using System;
     using System.Collections.Generic;
     using System.Linq;
     using System.Security.Claims;
     using Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient;
     using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
     namespace {YOUR_NAMESPACE}.Infrastructure.Auth
         public interface IAzureADGraphConnection
             IList<string> GetRolesForUser(ClaimsPrincipal userPrincipal);
         public class AzureADGraphConnection : IAzureADGraphConnection
             const string Resource = "https://graph.windows.net";
             public readonly Guid ClientRequestId = Guid.NewGuid();
             private readonly GraphConnection _graphConnection;
             public AzureADGraphConnection(string tenantName, string clientId, string clientSecret)
                 var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.windows.net/" + tenantName, false);
                 var clientCred = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
                 var token = authenticationContext.AcquireToken(Resource, clientCred).AccessToken;
                 _graphConnection = new GraphConnection(token, ClientRequestId);
             public IList<string> GetRolesForUser(ClaimsPrincipal userPrincipal)
                 return _graphConnection.GetMemberGroups(new User(userPrincipal.Identity.Name), true)
                     .Select(groupId => _graphConnection.Get<Group>(groupId))
                     .Where(g => g != null)
                     .Select(g => g.DisplayName)
  9. Create an AzureADGraphClaimsAuthenticationManager class:
     // Infrastructure\Auth\AzureADGraphClaimsAuthenticationManager.cs
     using System.Configuration;
     using System.Security.Claims;
     namespace AzureAdMvcExample.Infrastructure.Auth
         public class AzureADGraphClaimsAuthenticationManager : ClaimsAuthenticationManager
             public override ClaimsPrincipal Authenticate(string resourceName, ClaimsPrincipal incomingPrincipal)
                 if (incomingPrincipal == null || !incomingPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                     return incomingPrincipal;
                 // Ideally this should be the code below so the connection is resolved from a DI container, but for simplicity of the demo I'll leave it as a new statement
                 //var graphConnection = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IAzureADGraphConnection>();
                 var graphConnection = new AzureADGraphConnection(
                 var roles = graphConnection.GetRolesForUser(incomingPrincipal);
                 foreach (var r in roles)
                         new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, r, ClaimValueTypes.String, "GRAPH"));
                 return incomingPrincipal;
  10. Configure your application to use the AzureADGraphClaimsAuthenticationManager class for processing claims-based authentication in your web.config file:
        <claimsAuthenticationManager type="{YOUR_NAMESPACE}.Infrastructure.Auth.AzureADGraphClaimsAuthenticationManager, {YOUR_ASSEMBLY_NAME}" />
  11. Add [Authorize(Roles = "{AZURE_AD_GROUP_NAME}")] to any controller or action you want to restrict by role and call User.IsInRole("{AZURE_AD_GROUP_NAME}") to check if a user is a member of a particular group

Explaining the code

Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient and AzureADGraphConnection

The ActiveDirectory.GraphClient provides a wrapper over the Azure AD Graph API, which allows you to query the users, groups, etc.

The AzureADGraphConnection class constructs a graph client connection and a method to take a user and return a list of the groups that user is a member of.

This is needed because the claims that the Azure AD token comes with by default do not include any roles.


This class provides a claims authentication manager that hooks into the point that authentication occurs and augments the Claims Principal that is generated by default by getting the Azure AD Groups that the user is a member of (via AzureADGraphConnection) and turning them into a ClaimTypes.Role claim. ClaimTypes.Role is the claim type that automatically hooks into ASP.NETs roles processing.

The web.config change is how you override the Claims Authentication Manager.

Using an enum for roles

To avoid the use of magic strings in your application and assuming the group names in AD are relatively stable you can encapsulate them in an enum. There is a corresponding commit in the example project that demonstrates how to do it.

This involves three main steps:

  1. Define an enum with your roles and using the [Description] attribute to tag each role with the Display Name of the equivalent Azure AD group
  2. Parse the group name into the corresponding enum value by using Humanizer.Dehumanize in AzureADGraphConnection
  3. Create an AuthorizeRolesAttribute that extends AuthorizeAttribute and an extension on IClaimsPrincipal that provides an IsInRole method that both take the enum you defined rather than magic strings to define the roles

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Explaining the code behind authenticating MVC5 app with Azure AD

  • 8 min read

This post explains the code outlined in the last post on installing Azure AD authentication to an existing (or new) ASP.NET MVC 5 (or 3 or 4) application.

Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series

This post is part of the Practical Microsoft Azure Active Directory Blog Series.


The Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory package is part of the Katana project, which produces a bunch of libraries that build on top of Owin.

It allows your application to accept a Bearer Authorization header in the HTTP request that contains a JSON Web Token (JWT) token issued from Azure AD and will create a ClaimsPrincipal in the thread from that token. This is mainly useful for creating Web APIs and thus is optional if you just need web authentication.

Note: if you use bearer tokens make sure you request resources with HTTPS.

This package is enabled up by the app.UseWindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication(...) call in Startup.cs.

There are two configurations in the Startup.cs code to configure the package:

  • TokenValidationParameters - this controls how tokens that are presented by a user are checked for validity
    • In the code example in the previous blog post we set ValidAudience, which ensures that any tokens presented are valid for the given audience (alternatively, you can use ValidAudiences if you want to accept tokens from multiple audiences)
    • There is more information later in this post about audiences
  • Tenant - This sets which Azure AD tenant you are accepting tokens from

WSFederationAuthenticationModule (WS-FAM) and SessionAuthenticationModule (SAM)

These modules are part of WIF via System.IdentityModel.Services and are the mechanism by which the authentication hooks into ASP.NET and works. For this to work you need to enter a bunch of code in web.config, but Microsoft is currently working on OWIN-only components that hide all of that away and provide for a much simpler configuration so in the future you won’t need to do any of this. At the time of writing the samples don’t quite seem to work (for me at least) yet, so for now it makes sense to keep using the WIF modules, but it’s worth keeping out an eye on what happens with the samples Microsoft are working on, in particular the OpenIdConnect one.

So what do these WIF modules do? From the WSFederationAuthenticationModule documentation:

When an unauthenticated user tries to access a protected resource, the [Relying Party (RP)] returns a “401 authorization denied” HTTP response. The WS-FAM intercepts this response instead of allowing the client to receive it, then it redirects the user to the specified [Security Token Service (STS)]. The STS issues a security token, which the WS-FAM again intercepts. The WS-FAM uses the token to create an instance of ClaimsPrincipal for the authenticated user, which enables regular .NET Framework authorization mechanisms to function.

Because HTTP is stateless, we need a way to avoid repeating this whole process every time that the user tries to access another protected resource. This is where the SessionAuthenticationModule comes in. When the STS issues a security token for the user, SessionAuthenticationModule also creates a session security token for the user and puts it in a cookie. On subsequent requests, the SessionAuthenticationModule intercepts this cookie and uses it to reconstruct the user’s ClaimsPrincipal.

From the SessionAuthenticationModule documentation:

The SAM adds its OnAuthenticateRequest event handler to the HttpApplication.AuthenticateRequest event in the ASP.NET pipeline. This handler intercepts sign-in requests, and, if there is a session cookie, deserializes it into a session token, and sets the Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.User properties to the claims principal contained in the session token.

These modules are then configured by the system.identityModel and system.identityModel.services sections in web.config.

issuerNameRegistry and signing key refresh

This configures which tenants and issuers of authentication your application trusts as well as the thumbprint of their public signing key certificates.

The certificate thumbprints will change over time for security reasons so hardcoding the keys in web.config is not a good option hence you need to make sure to implement code that changes the keys for you. The simplest, built-in way to do that is using ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry.WriteToConfig, which updates web.config for you automatically when it changes. That’s the instruction that was given in the last blog post.

Another option is to store the keys in a database, which is what the default code that Visual Studio’s Identity and Access Tools add (using EntityFramework). Yet another option is to store them in-memory and there is a class floating about that you can use to do that. Storing it in-memory is probably the nicest option.

Audiences and realm

The audienceUris configuration in web.config allows your application to control a list of identifiers that will be accepted for the scope of a presented authentication token (in Azure AD this maps to the App ID URI of your Azure AD application).

The realm attribute in the wsFederation element of the federationConfiguration in web.config tells the WSFederationAuthenticationModule to specify the WS Federationwtrealm to use for the request, which identifies the security realm that will be used for the request. For Azure AD this provides the App ID URI of the Azure AD application that should be used to service the authentication request. Thus, this value will generally be the same as the audience you configured unless you are doing multi-tenancy.

The difference between realm and audience is explained in this StackOverflow post.


A security token handler provides a way for interpreting a security token of some sort into a Claims Principal for a given request. The code in the previous post gets you to remove the default handler that takes care of looking at cookies in the request, SessionSecurityTokenHandler, because it uses DPAPI to encrypt and decrypt the cookies and that doesn’t work in an environment with multiple web servers. Instead you are guided to add a MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler, which uses the machine key to encrypt and decrypt the cookie.

The configured securityTokenHandler will be what the SessionAuthenticationModule will make use of to store and retrieve the token from and to the cookie.


On first thought, it might be confusing to see that certificate validation is turned off, but this is by design. The validating issuer name registry as explained above is a replacement for standard certificate validation. The only information that I’ve been able to find that explains this further is a post on the MSDN forums.

To illustrate what happens when you try using certificate validation, you can change certificateValidationMode to, say, ChainTrust and then you will get the following error:

The X.509 certificate CN=accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.


You can ensure that the security cookie is set to require SSL with the requireSSL attribute of the cookieHandler element in web.config and ensure that the authentication requests require a HTTPS connection with the requireHttps attribute of the wsFederation element in web.config.

In production environments it’s absolutely essential that you set both to true otherwise you are vulnerable to MITM attacks. You can set them to true locally if you use https with IIS Express or via a self-signed cert with IIS.


Setting this attribute on the wsFederation element in web.config determines where sign-in and sign-out requests are redirected.


Setting this attribute on the wsFederation element in web.config to true allows the WSFederationAuthenticationModule to automatically redirect the user to the authentication server in the event of a 401. Without this set to true you would need to explicitly call SignIn to log the user in.


Setting this attribute on the wsFederation element in web.config allows the application to control where the user is taken after they authenticate. The last post didn’t tell you to set it because by default it’s not required. When using Azure AD, in the instance that it’s not specified, the user will be redirected to the first Reply URL specified in the Azure AD application.

This requires that you can only have a one-to-one relationship between an Azure AD application and a web application requiring authentication. You can actually add multiple reply URLs to your Azure AD application though. This fact in combination with the reply attribute means that you can support multiple web applications (e.g. local, dev, staging, prod or even just different applications altogether) with the same Azure AD application. You just need to config transform your web.config file for each different environment as explained in this post.

If you are in a situation where you want to only change an app setting to control the reply URL (e.g. you are using VSO to deploy different branches to separate Azure Web Sites) then you can change the reply URL in code like so:

    public static class IdentityConfig
        public static void ConfigureIdentity()
            FederatedAuthentication.FederationConfigurationCreated += FederatedAuthentication_FederationConfigurationCreated;
        private static void FederatedAuthentication_FederationConfigurationCreated(object sender, FederationConfigurationCreatedEventArgs e)
            var federationConfiguration = new FederationConfiguration();
            federationConfiguration.WsFederationConfiguration.Reply =
            e.FederationConfiguration = federationConfiguration;

Anti-forgery config

AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier allows you to set which claim from the claims-based authentication token can be used to uniquely identify a user for the purposes of creating an appropriate anti-forgery token. Side note: this post about anti-forgery token is great. The claim that was shown in the last post is the correct one to use for Azure AD.


There are two parts to the logout code in the last post. Firstly, there is a call to the SessionAuthenticationModule, which will cause the cookie you have on the current site to be dropped by your browser. Secondly, there is a redirect to a URL that the WS Federation code generates that will log you out of the source system (in this case your Azure AD session) and then redirect you back to a callback page with [AllowAnonymous] so they don’t get redirected back to login again straight away.

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Announcing AspNet.Mvc.Grid

  • 2 min read

Whenever I need to display tables of data in an ASP.NET MVC application I end up pulling in the MVCContrib library to use its Grid Helper.

The Grid helper is really cool, it allows you to take a class like:

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

And create a Razor view like the following (including appending some Bootstrap classes):

@model IEnumerable<Person>
<h1>Person List</h1>
@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(cb =>
    cb.For(p => Html.ActionLink(p.Name, "Detail", "People", new {p.Id}, null)).Named("Name");
    cb.For(p => p.Email);
    cb.For(p => p.DateOfBirth);
}).Attributes(@class => "table table-striped table-hover table-condensed").HeaderRowAttributes(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "class", "active" } })

This will then output HTML like the following:

<h1>Person List</h1>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">
      <tr class="active">
         <th>Date Of Birth</th>
      <tr class="gridrow">
         <td><a href="/People/Detail/1">Name1</a></td>
         <td>19/08/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
      <tr class="gridrow_alternate">
         <td><a href="/People/Detail/2">Name2</a></td>
         <td>20/08/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
      <tr class="gridrow">
         <td><a href="/People/Detail/3">Name3</a></td>
         <td>21/08/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>

This means you don’t have to render out the nasty, tedious table HTML, it takes care of creating the thead and tbody for you, it’s type safe (thanks Razor!) and there are some sensible defaults that save you time (like inferring the th title from the property name).

The problem with MvcContrib

There is however a few big problems with MvcContrib - it’s not really kept very maintained and it contains A LOT of bloat in there for stuff you will never need (and frankly shouldn’t use).

To be honest, out of everything in there the Grid is the only thing I would touch.

It does actually have an MVC5 package, but it contains a reference to Mvc4Futures and this can actually have a really bad impact if you are using MVC5 due to one of the breaking changes in MVC5. If you have code that is assembly scanning the current AppDomain for instance then you will soon come across this error:

Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: ‘Microsoft.Web.Mvc.CreditCardAttribute.GetClientValidationRules(System.Web.Mvc.ModelMetadata, System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext)’. Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the security accessibility of the method being overriden.

Creating AspNet.Mvc.Grid

Given that roadblock on a current project, and given I don’t really want to pull in all the bloat of MvcContrib I decided to pull out the Grid code from MvcContrib and put it into it’s own library that targets .NET 4.5 and MVC 5. This is allowed under the Apache 2.0 license the MvcContrib code is licensed for.

Hence, I’d like to announce the AspNet.Mvc.Grid library! It has been published to NuGet as per usual.

The only difference you will notice between it and MvcContrib is that the namespaces are different. This was a conscious decision to make the library less confusing for completely new users.


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Deployment and Development using PhoneGap Build for a Cordova/PhoneGap app

  • 5 min read

I recently worked on a project to build a mobile app in iOS and Android. The team decided to use Cordova and Ionic Framework to build it. I highly recommend Ionic - it’s an amazingly productive and feature-rich framework with a really responsive development team! It enabled us to use AngularJS (and the application structure and maintenance advantages that affords) and really sped up the development time in a number of ways. We were also able to get an almost-native performance experience for the application using features like collection repeat (virtualised list) as well as the in-built performance tuning the Ionic team have performed.

When it was time to set up an automated build pipeline we settled on using PhoneGap Build and its API which we then called from OctopusDeploy as part of a NuGet package we created.

PhoneGap Build is Adobe’s cloud build service that can build iOS, Android, Windows Phone etc. apps for you based on a zip file with your Cordova/PhoneGap files.

We decided on PhoneGap Build because:

  • It has been around a while (i.e. it’s relatively mature)
  • It’s backed by a big name (Adobe)
  • It has a decent API
  • It meant we didn’t have to set up a Mac server, which would have been a pain
  • It’s free for a single project :)

This post covers how we set up our automated deployment pipeline for our native apps using OctopusDeploy and PhoneGap Build. I have also published a companion post that covers everything you need to know about PhoneGap Build (read: what I wish I knew before I started using PhoneGap Build because it’s darn confusing!).

Deployment pipeline

This is the deployment pipeline we ended up with:

  1. Developer commits a change, submits a pull request and that pull request gets merged
  2. Our TeamCity continuous integration server compiles the server-side code, runs server-side code tests and runs client-side (app) tests
  3. If all is well then a NuGet package is created for the server-side code and a NuGet package is created for the app - both are pushed to OctopusDeploy and the server-side code is deployed to a staging environment (including a web server version of the app)
    • Native functionality wouldn’t work, but you could access and use the bulk of the app to test it out
    • To test native functionality developers could easily manually provision a staging version of the app if they plugged a phone into their computer via a USB cable and executed a particular script
  4. The product owner logs into OctopusDeploy and promotes the app to production from staging whereupon OctopusDeploy would:
    • Upload this .ipa to Azure blob storage
    • Beta testers could then download the latest version by visiting a html page linking to the package (see below for details) - Build the production Android and iOS versions of the app using the PhoneGap Build API
  5. The product owner then logs on to the PhoneGap Build site, downloads the .ipa / .apk files and uploads them to the respective app stores

End result

I personally wasn’t completely satisfied with this because I didn’t like the manual step at the end, however, apparently app store deployments are stuck in the 90s so unless you want to screen-scrape the respective app stores you have to manually log in and upload the deployment file. Regardless, the end result was good:

  • Production deployments were the same binaries/content that were tested on the CI server and that had been successfully deployed and manually tested in the staging environment
  • We could go from developer commit to production in a few minutes (ignoring app store approval/roll-out times; remember - stuck in the 90s)
  • The product owner had complete control to deploy any version of the app he wanted to and it was easy for him to do so

How we did it

I have published the NodeJS script we used to automate the PhoneGap Build API to a Gist. It contains a very reusable wrapper around a PhoneGap Build API NodeJS library that makes it dead easy to write your own workflow in a very succinct manner.

To generate the zip file the NodeJS script used we simply grabbed the www directory (including config.xml) from our repository and zipped it up. That zip file and the NodeJS scripts went into the NuGet package that OctopusDeploy deployed when the app was promoted to production (we made this happen on a Tentacle residing on the OctopusDeploy server). I have published how we generated that NuGet package to a Gist as well (including how to set up over-the-air).

Further notes

Some notes about our approach:

  • Because we were able to make our backend apis deploy to production at the same time as generating our production app packages we were assured that the correct version of the backend was always available when the apps were deployed to the respective app stores.
  • It was important for us to make sure that our backend api didn’t have any breaking changes otherwise existing app deployments (and any lingering ones where people haven’t updated) would break - usual API management/versioning practices apply.
  • Whenever we wanted to add new Beta testers the provisioning profile for over-the-air needed to be re-uploaded to PhoneGap Build
    • Unfortunately, PhoneGap Build requires you upload this alongside the private key - thus requiring someone with access to PhoneGap Build, the private key and the iOS developer account - it’s actually quite a convoluted process so I’ve also published the instructions we provided to the person responsible for managing the Beta testing group to a Gist to illustrate
  • We stored the passwords for the Android Keystore and iOS private keys as sensitive variables in OctopusDeploy so nobody needed to ever see them after they had been generated and stored in a password safe
    • This meant the only secret that was ever exposed on a regular basis was the password-protected over-the-air private key whenever a Beta tester was added


While we didn’t use it, it’s worth pointing out TestFlight. It’s a free service that gives you the ability to more easily keep track of a list of testers, their UUIDs, informing them of updates and automatically creating and hosting the necessary files for over-the-air. It contains an API that allows you to upload your .ipa to and it should be simple enough to take the scripts I published above and upload a .ipa to TestFlight rather than Azure Blob Storage if you are interested in doing that.

Final Thoughts

PhoneGap Build is a useful and powerful service. As outlined in my companion post, it’s very different to Cordova/PhoneGap locally and this, combined with confusing documentation, resulted in me growing a strong dislike of PhoneGap Build while using it.

In writing my companion post however, I’ve been forced to understand it a lot more and I now think that as long as you have weighed up the pros and cons and still feel it’s the right fit then it’s a useful service and shouldn’t be discounted outright.

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